eight pence造句
- In late London trading, South Western Electricity shares were eight pence higher, at 935p.
- Shares of Hambros Plc were up eight pence, at 200p.
- For example, " ? 11s 8d " indicated six pounds, eleven shillings, and eight pence.
- In recent London trading, Norweb stock was down eight pence a share, at 1, 139p.
- Thus 8d is eight pence, but " eight pennies " means specifically eight individual penny coins.
- It's difficult to find eight pence in a sentence. 用eight pence造句挺难的
- He was fined six shillings and eight pence ( 6s 8d ) for this misdemeanor, but got away with the rebuilding.
- Values of less than a shilling were simply written in terms of pence, e . g . eight pence would be 8d.
- Cost of construction came to just over ?, 000, of which the GAA club would raise ?57, twelve shillings, and eight pence.
- By 1596, it was garrisoned by eighty men who were each paid eight pence per day ( equivalent to ? today ).
- The stock closed Thursday in London at 224 pence, or about $ 3.45, up eight pence, or a little over 12 cents.
- In 1597, Wigtown was set tax at 15 shillings, Dumfries paid 36 shillings and eight pence, Whithorn, five shillings and Kirkcudbright, 18 shillings.
- Profits from the December Fayre in 1524 amounted to six shillings and eight pence, and were received by one Clement Roberth of Wingham.
- Morris paid eight pence half penny or between 11 and 12 cents per acre, about half of what Phelps and Gorham had paid.
- In his will, Sir Roger Martyn left the pair a total of 113 pounds, six shillings and eight pence to be spent on finery.
- The camp cost ?5 two shillings, and eight pence; after the boys'fees, and donations totaling ?6, this left a deficit of just over ?4.
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